1st June

…of many primula species but few are now widely grown in the UK gardens apart perhaps from the candelabra primula. I suspect the reason for the primula failure and perhaps…

7th April

…a mature clump and full out. The mahonia collection here is most impressive. Mahonia nervosa Mahonia nervosa Primula sieboldii as a nice clump also in the sun. Primula sieboldii Primula

14th May

…the odd flower from the stem. Planted in 2011. Berberis amurensis var. latifolia (BSWJ 8539) Jack Tidball’s wedding tent on Beach Meadow. Jack Tidball’s wedding tent Primula japonica ‘Miller’s Crimson’…

11th May

…‘Hackmann’s Metallica’ Rhododendron ‘Hackmann’s Metallica’ 2021 – CHW The Primula candelabra clump beside our new rhododendron planting is expanding. Primula candelabra Primula candelabra A young Enkianthus deflexus (APA 112 C31…

7th November

…lapagerias are very nice. Solanum, cassia and hydrangeas are all fair. Primula helodoxa is looking very nice in flower and would seem to be the best yellow primula by far….

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 1)

…key species in the meadow including geranium and knapweed. Primula veris Primula veris The new restaurant and entrance to the walled garden. The new car park can cope with 7-800…

22nd June

…‘Summer Solstice’ has its first three flowers where we can see them unlike the main 1991 planted tree.Primula helodoxa is flowering just outside my study window. There used to be…

13th July

…best. Four to six feet tall and perfect today. Thalictrum delavayi ‘Album’ Thalictrum delavayi ‘Album’ Thalictrum delavayi ‘Album’ What is this primula like thing flowering in July with ‘dock’-like leaves….

12th November

…walled garden beyond Lanhydrock House.The first snowdrop flower in a glasshouse. snowdrop 200 Hostas for £1.00 each. Hostas 200 Primula florindae for 50p each. Primula florindae Most sensible businesses would…

11th July

…Weed again canvassing views but will he do anything? Rose tent only half full and not that many gardens either. Visitor numbers anecdotally down. leftovers from the Hampton Court Primula