14th June

…new growth. Carpinus rankanensis Carpinus rankanensis Carpinus rankanensis Carpinus henryana seems larger leaved than C. henryana var. simplicidentata. Carpinus henryana Carpinus henryana Carpinus henryana The two unlabelled Carpinus with a…

2nd October

…flowering. Tilia henryana Tilia henryana Tilia henryana Cotoneaster ‘unknown’ above The Hovel has large, oval, orange fruits but not in profusion and only in the centre of the large bush….

28th September

…into flowering and bigger leaves with less pronounced leaf spurs as a result? I will catch up with the drive plant soon. Tilia henryana Tilia henryana Tilia henryana 2015 –…

30th May

…a week or so ago. Tilia henryana Tilia henryana Tilia henryana Jaimie came across an 8in long baby grass snake. Grass snake These are apparently Mullein moth caterpillars or so…

27th July

…never now know. Carpinus henryana Carpinus henryana Euonymus morrisonensis covered in flowers and copulating red winged insects in large numbers. Also a few large flies and wasps. A great display…

1st January

…Tilia henryana Tilia henryana And still a perfect flower on Hydrangea Madame Mouilliere. Absolutely unbelievable but there it is for all to see. Hydrangea Madame Mouilliere The Battery Walk Arch…

26th June

…but I had not admired the form of the new growth before. New growth on Tilia henryana New growth on Tilia henryana Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureomarginata’ Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureomarginata’ Right beside…

2nd September

…the seeds are setting. The whitish bracts behind the seed clusters are interesting and attractive. Tilia henryana Tilia henryana The fattest fruit I have ever seen on Stewartia rostrata. About…

4th September

…Tilia henryana Tilia henryana Stewartia pteropetiolata covered in seedpods alongside a fine Stewartia rostrata which was covered too. Stewartia pteropetiolata Magnolia officionalis biloba, which flowers in March, has several small…

26th May

…unlike the other nearby. C. japonicus Magnolia ‘Anilou’ is a good yellow but not terribly floriferous as yet. Magnolia ‘Anilou’ Carpinus henryana has equally serrated leaves but they are very…