27th September

…ago at the top of the lake. giant Pinus radiata A large branch or two from another Pinus radiata fell into the drive below the tower. another Pinus radiata another…

17th November

…mould Dog vomit slime mould 2021 – CHW Trimming off the lower branches on a row of Pinus radiata in Kennel Close. Uplifting fast growing trees is an important job…

1st October

…can see and also smashed up the Buddleja colvilei, Hypericum lancasteri and the lower branches of a decent Styrax japonicus ‘Emerald Pagoda’. Pinus radiata Pinus radiata The Pterocarya rhoifolia is…

17th July

…Arbutus andrachne. Arbutus unedo and Arbutus andrachne Arbutus fronting a clump of Ilex oak and Pinus Radiata. Arbutus fronting a clump of Ilex oak and Pinus Radiata The feature Cupressus…

20th November

…in this massive trunk on a Pinus radiata. Warning signs of impending collapse perhaps but we have seen this before on this same tree over the years. Pinus radiata The…

16th January

…CHW The old Paulownia tomentosa tree, located in the Main Quarry, has a dead side branch and from the fissure in the trunk is growing a Pinus radiata seedling. It…

April 2018 Irish trip ( Day 2)

…British before the garden was even thought of. battery tower battery tower Griselinia littoralis seedlings everywhere on the ground. Griselinia littoralis Even in the trunk of a Pinus radiata (insignis)….

2nd April

…loebneri ‘Raspberry Fun’ A young Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ with enormous female catkins forming but not yet ripe. Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Yet another Pinus radiata blows over…

22nd March

…‘Blue Diamond’ Magnolia ‘Crystal Chalice’ is growing into a decent tree. Magnolia ‘Crystal Chalice’ Magnolia kobus ‘White Elegance’ just showing. Magnolia kobus ‘White Elegance’ Another young Pinus radiata snapped off…

26th November

…on from Tubbs Mill opposite Slydepark. Tree down Tree down 2018 – CHW The team have been pulling ivy from around dead or cut back plants. Here a Pinus radiata