9th April

…species growing here. Euonymus tonkinensis as a young evergreen plant. Euonymus tonkinensis Euonymus morrisonensis early into new growth and flower buds. Euonymus morrisonensis This is the small tree of what…

13th June

…leaves on arching stems. Cotoneaster fangianus Cotoneaster fangianus Euonymus wilsonii now in full flower and rather striking for a euonymus. Euonymus wilsonii Euonymus wilsonii The new laurel hedge protecting the…

23rd June

…to Euonymus japonicus. You could have fooled me! So odd that I had to ponder even which genus it was before I saw the flowers. Euonymus kiautschovicus Euonymus kiautschovicus Euonymus

22nd October

…limii Seedpods forming on Euonymus morrisonensis. Euonymus morrisonensis Euonymus morrisonensis Seed clusters have formed on the Lithocarpus hancei but they are tiny and not viable. Lithocarpus hancei Ternstroemia gymnanthera with…

1st November

…on the top ride in Forty Acres wood. tree ferns Seed on Carpinus betulus ‘Purpurea’. Carpinus betulus ‘Purpurea’ Seedpods on Euonymus tingens. Euonymus tingens Euonymus tingens Gigantic fungi in Forty…

20th May

…oxyphyllus Euonymus echinatus has flower buds and attractive new growth. Euonymus echinatus Euonymus echinatus Euonymus tingens not quite out. Euonymus tingens Viburnum taiwanianum still in bud. I will miss the…

3rd December

…day of planting out a few large things from Crug Farm and Pavia reveals several novelties. Euonymus nanus – a dwarf semi-evergreen shrub. Euonymus nanus Euonymus carnosus (MWJ 14515) with…

13th July

…suffering in the drought with the new leaves much smaller than the older ones. Euonymus wilsonii Euonymus tingens nicely in flower. Euonymus tingens Euonymus echinatus is growing into a compact…

14th June

…morrisonensis Euonymus morrisonensis The newly planted Euonymus tonkinensis with no flower as yet. Euonymus tonkinensis 2018 – CHW Preparing for my styrax lecture tomorrow with a quick trip around. Most…

5th June

…angustifolium Euonymus wilsonii with a rather more impressive display of yellow flowers. Euonymus wilsonii Euonymus wilsonii Here are the two plants given to us by James Garnett and the botanic…