6th July

Wine’ which we had full out on the stand at Chelsea six weeks ago. Calycanthus x raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ Calycanthus x raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ This Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ is one…

30th April

…of Calycanthus raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’. Some held back in the cool for Chelsea. Calycanthus raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ Do not the Viburnum plicatum ‘Kilimanjaro Sunrise’ look a great batch too. This…

19th October

…arboreum has fully turned colour now. What an impressive tree this is. Oxydendrum arboreum Nyssa sinensis with two stages of autumn colour showing. Nyssa sinensis Calycanthus x raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’…

24th October

…The schima is still full out and receiving the strong winds. schima Calycanthus raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ is turning a vibrant yellow. Again I have not seen this autumn performance before….

13th May

…bud and may or may not make it to the stand. A. Trees and larger shrubs Calycanthus floridus [ALONGSIDE] Calycanthus raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ Calycanthus floridus Calycanthus raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ Cornus…

10th April

…out now. One of the parents of this Glendoick cross was our Rhododendron ‘Polgrain’. Rhododendron ‘Wine and Roses’ Rhododendron ‘Wine and Roses’ Rhododendron ‘Wine and Roses’ Daphnephyllum macropodum var humile…

19th November

…Euonymus grandiflorus ‘Ruby Wine’ living up to its name with pink seed capsules. The best new autumn colour that I have seen for ages. Euonymus grandiflorus ‘Ruby Wine’ Euonymus grandiflorus…

22nd April

…making a nice clump. The leaf undersides are a bonus. Rhododendron ‘Wine and Roses’ Rhododendron ‘Wine and Roses’ Rhododendron ‘Wine and Roses’ Another couple of Dad’s hybrids – Rhododendron decorum…

22nd October

…Euonymus grandiflorus ‘Ruby Wine’ Euonymus grandiflorus ‘Ruby Wine’ Saxifraga fortunei ‘Shiranami’ literally plastered in flower with no leaves showing. What a plant this is for an autumn show. Saxifraga fortunei…

18th April

…sericanthus Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ has soon lost its wine tinge and the flowers are out. Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ Magnolia ‘Raven’ was, I thought, much…