11th March

…Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ – a good light pink form too which appeared to self sow itself. Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ And a few more novelties…

18th May

…Two echium spikes. We will have to cut them down to fit them onto the lorry. Too tall at present. echium spike Is this Cotoneaster frigidus or is it a…

1st May

…Wood yesterday. Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Touch of Pink’ now properly out either side of the path by George’s Hut and scenting it well. Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Touch of Pink’ Rhododendron ‘Beauty of…

26th April

…Magnolia ‘Pink Kobus’ is not really a pink form of M kobus. It only really has a hint of pink in bud and you have to strain your eyes to…

31st July

…itself. Malus ‘Pink Glow’ Malus ‘Pink Glow’ Malus ‘Pink Glow’ 2017 – CHW Off to Busy Bees fairly awful garden centre in the rain. Crammed with coach loads. Verbena rigida…

24th February

…species ‘Pink Parchment’? Nicer than our original actually and seems stronger growing. Magnolia zenii ‘Pink Parchment’ Magnolia zenii ‘Pink Parchment’ Magnolia ‘Charles Raffil’ with two flowers so far out. Magnolia…

24th April

…species. Wisteria ‘Pink Ice’ perhaps? Wisteria ‘Pink Ice’ ? Wisteria ‘Pink Ice’ ? Wisteria venista ‘Shiro-kapitan’ just coming out. Wisteria venista ‘Shiro-kapitan’ Wisteria venista ‘Shiro-kapitan’ Cydonia oblonga – as good…

15th May

…Magnolia ‘Moonspire’ Malus x micromalus (Malus baccata x Malus spectabilis) is a fine show. Hillier’s says it has pink flowers! The buds are pink but the flowers are not. The…

20th June

…japonicus ‘Pink Chimes’ Styrax japonicus ‘Pink Chimes’ Styrax japonicus ‘Pink Chimes’ Styrax japonicus ‘Pink Chimes’ 2016 – CHW The three young Aesculus wilsonii at the entrance to Old Park Wood…

8th March

…a shape to the flower and on such a young plant. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’…