23rd April

…here once. It is quite similar to Quercus acuta or Quercus glabra in some respects and is one we ought to propagate. Lithocarpus henryi Lithocarpus henryi Lithocarpus henryi The Caerhays…

1st June

…is our propagation stock plant. Illicium henryi Illicium henryi Illicium henryi A robin willing me to pick up a few pots to reveal some grubs to eat. robin robin 2020…

2nd June

…four plants together with pictures of his (supposed) Rhodoleia henryi. It looks identical to our plant of aff. parvipetala as he readily admits! picture of leaves Rhodoleia henryi Rhodoleia henryi

5th May

…‘Rescassa’. Rhododendron ‘Rescassa’ Rhododendron ‘Rescassa’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs Lionel de Rothschild’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs Lionel de Rothschild’ Leaf and flower on Acer henryi. Acer henryi Rhododendron ‘Nancor’ and Rhododendron ‘May Day’. Rhododendron…

4th October

…the drought. Rhododendron pachysanthum Sinowilsonia henryi with early autumn colour in the late afternoon sun. This multi-stemmed? shrub has done very little in shade in 30 years. Sinowilsonia henryi Amaryllis…

27th July

…Custard’ Lonicera henryi (evergreen) seems a better plant to me and was performing well in the tunnels. Lonicera henryi Lonicera henryi Lobelia excelsa will become popular – a very odd…

1st October

henryi Emmenopterys henryi James also sent pictures of Meliosma parviflora which is not in our growing meliosma collection here which he saw during his visit. Both are amazing plants! Meliosma…

23rd July

…Flowers bunched at the ends of the twigs. Rhodoleia henryi Rhodoleia henryi Rhodoleia henryi Supposedly Rhodoleia parvipetala. This has not flowered for Tom as yet but the flowers are not…

Visit to Tregrehan – 12th March 2022

back to 12 March Visit to Tregrehan – 12th March 2022 Meliosma pungens Meliosma pungens Meliosma pungens Lithocarpus henryi Lithocarpus henryi Lithocarpus henryi Lithocarpus henryi Pachystegia insignis at the garden…

29th August

…in dappled shade on a hottish bank. Sinowilsonia henryi Sinowilsonia henryi Jaimie has split the Hedychium gardnerianum clumps by the Playhouse and planted groups around and about in the garden….