4th May

…the plan. Rhododendron ‘Mrs Furnivall’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs Furnivall’ This Michelia doltsopa is now leafless but the new growth is starting to break out. Michelia doltsopa The Rhododendron ‘Moonstone Group’ (campylocarpum…

26th April

…unlike the old plant on the main ride. Rhododendron ‘Mrs J C Williams’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs J C Williams’ The new Rhododendron williamsianum clump full out and clearly planted too close…

16th July

…damage from last winter. Tetrapanax papyrifer ‘Rex’ Arisaema going to seed? Arisaema Salvia cacaliifolia – introduced 1858. Salvia cacaliifolia Salvia involucrata ‘Mrs Pope’. Salvia involucrata ‘Mrs Pope’ Salvia involucrata ‘Mrs

27th January

…this early despite its colour. Pink fading to white. Rhododendron ‘Mrs Butler’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs Butler’ 2018 – CHW Jaimie finds the old plant of Illicium anisatum full out above Crinodendron…

1st August

…to Springwood GC which had closed down. All stock gone. No surprises here! 2016 – CHW At last a really decent rose on the front of Backstay. Mrs Williams appears…

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 3)

…flower and the best camellia which we saw today. Camellia japonica ‘Willamina’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs G.W.Leak’. Rhododendron ‘Mrs G.W.Leak’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs G.W.Leak’ Rhododendron ‘Phyllis Korn’. Rhododendron ‘Phyllis Korn’ This Viburnum x…

23rd February

…fully out. Rhododendron leucaspis Camellia ‘Mrs D W Davis’ now fully out despite some wind browning. Camellia ‘Mrs D W Davis’ Camellia ‘Mrs D W Davis’ The New Zealand Magnolia…

8th February

…Camellia ‘Kick Off’ A decent large flower now out on Camellia ‘Mrs D W Davis’. Just the start. Camellia ‘Mrs D W Davis’ The nobbled and gnarled bark on an…

3rd January

…in the plans. Hardly accurate but quite nice today. Two more still to flower. Rhododendron ‘Mrs Butler’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs Butler’ A pheasant has pecked off the flower head of the…

27th March

‘Mrs D W Davis’. Perhaps the best new camellia to emerge since the cold and snow. Aptly named too! Camellia ‘Extravaganza’ Camellia ‘Extravaganza’ Camellia ‘Extravaganza’ Camellia cuspidata finally full out….