10th November

…flowers. Unlike its neighbour this one is only just beginning to come out. There is another identical plant just through the arch. Camellia sasanqua ‘Rosea’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Rosea’ Camellia sasanqua…

21st August

…the drought damage.Lapageria ‘Flesh Pink’ is out about a month earlier than usual. Lapageria ‘Flesh Pink’ Ditto the elderly Lapageria rosea beside it. Lapageria rosea A very drought ridden and…

1st April

…reticulata. Camellia reticulata (white) Stapylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ with more flower than I have ever seen before on such a small tree. Fourteen years from planting. Stapylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ Stapylea holocarpa…

13th December

…some sort of crisis! gutter valley 2019 – CHW Lapageria rosea ‘Flesh Pink’ with its last flower. Lapageria rosea ‘Flesh Pink’ Lapageria rosea with its last flower. Lapageria rosea Lapageria…

30th April

…chinensis Staphylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ is especially fine above the greenhouse. Strangely the pure S holocarpa (white) nearby is not showing colour yet. Staphylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ Staphylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ Rhododendron edgeworthii…

30th October

…smelt it. Camellia sasanqua ‘Rosea Plena’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Rosea Plena’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Rosea Plena’ Sadly the drought has done for our layers on the pink sinogrande. Very little left and…

4th August

…superb with its triangular or heart shaped leaf structure. Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’ Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’ Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’ A secondary flower or three on Magnolia ‘Apollo’ which, as we know,…

5th September

…first Lapageria rosea flowers. Lapageria rosea Lapageria rosea ‘Picotee’ again with a large truss of flowers. Lapageria rosea ‘Picotee’ Escallonia bifida covered in bumble bees and red admirals. Escallonia bifida…

13th November

rosea ‘Picotee’ A very good flesh red form of Lapageria rosea. Lapageria rosea A very early unnamed Camellia japonica opposite the two Magnolia x veitchii. Camellia japonica Celtis sinensis still…

27th September

…adapted to our Cornish climate? Lapageria rosea Lapageria rosea Lapageria rosea 1918 – JCW Rhodo’s as below. Cyclamen very good. Lapagerias fair. Hydrangeas fair. (Hand written note attached to Garden…