19th March

…to do in a normal spring.Pachyphragma macrophylla – long leaf wax flower. Pachyphragma macrophylla Eriostemon myoporoides Eriostemon myoporoides Eriostemon myoporoides Magnolia maudiae (Michelia maudiae) Magnolia maudiae Calothamnus quadrifolius – one-sided…

13th March

…for the UK and Cornwall in 2016 but called it Michelia maudiae. Michelia macclurei Michelia macclurei Michelia macclurei Certainly the leaf is very different to the maudiae I photographed here…

12th March

…Michelia maudiae Michelia maudiae Camellia ‘Ruby Wedding’ tries to hide its flowers which face downwards. Camellia ‘Ruby Wedding’ Camellia ‘Ruby Wedding’ Rhododendron stenaulum (now Rhododendron moulmainense) out by the greenhouse….

8th April

…Acer negundo subsp. mexicanum Debregeasia longifolia Debregeasia longifolia Debregeasia longifolia The champion tree of Magnolia (Michelia) maudiae var. platypetala Magnolia (Michelia) maudiae var. platypetala Skimmia laureola Skimmia laureola Skimmia laureola…

1st August

…‘Northern Belle’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Northern Belle’ Magnolia laevifolia x maudiae, a 2020 gift from Raf Lenaerts has taken off as well. I need to send Raf these photos. Magnolia laevifolia…

28th February

…tree cover has gone. Rhododendron grande First 2 flowers on a young Michelia maudiae. Michelia maudiae Rhododendron plantings in the paddock by the house. Rhododendron plantings Rhododendron plantings Camellia japonica…

27th August

…x M. maudiae ‘Eternal Spring’ is now 10-12 feet tall and growing away well in the Aucklandii Garden. In flower in the nursery last spring this was impressive. Thankfully in…

15th August

…for the first time last year. Lysionotus pauciflorus (BSWJ 335) Magnolia (M. laevifolia x M. championii) x (M. laevifolia x M. maudiae). This gift from Raf in February is suddenly…

5th February

…has just two flowers). Camellia ‘Cinnamon Cindy’ Camellia ‘Cinnamon Cindy’ The evergreen Clethra mexicana has had its leaves partially frosted. Clethra mexicana Clethra mexicana Magnolia maudiae ‘Touch of Pink’ has…

30th September

…x [M. laevifolia x maudiae] which is scenting the greenhouse. Out of season to put it mildly. Magnolia laevifolia x chapmanii x [M. laevifolia x maudiae] First seed heads on…