Visit to Tregrehan – 3rd November 2018

insignis may take its name from the seed clusters which perhaps resemble a radiata pine cone (doubtful)? Decaisnea insignis Decaisnea fargesii Decaisnea fargesii Decaisnea insignis Carpinus japonica with seed capsules…

28th October

…non-essential. A socialist dictatorship. COVID levels in Monmouth are about the same as Cornwall. Quercus insignis Quercus insignis Quercus insignis Acer capillipes past its best. Acer capillipes Aralia chinensis in…

30th August

…not sit under a Pinus radiata (insignis) in August! Branches down Major collapse of an old Pinus insignis Major collapse of an old Pinus insignis 1961 – FJW Harvest definitely…

19th February

…Pinus insignis is leaning a bit over the sunken sitting outside area at the Village Hall but I do not think there is a real threat of it collapsing, at…

4th July

…sides. Acer fabri Acer fabri A newly planted Quercus insignis has been wind scorched I think rather than suffering from drought. Quercus insignis Quercus insignis Lithocarpus variolosus is absolutely plastered…

20th September

…summer has used its energy on secondary new growth. No seed pods at all in evidence sadly. Magnolia insignis Magnolia insignis A young Magnolia macrophylla to replace our elderly specimen…

12th June

…circa 20 year old plant. Magnolia insignis Magnolia insignis A flower or two left on Magnolia ‘Porcelain Dove’. Showing colour five weeks ago. Magnolia ‘Porcelain Dove’ But no buds this…

29th July

…to come through the winter unscathed. Quercus insignis Quercus insignis Nearby Quercus crassifolia is looking fine but here also is late secondary new growth just emerging from the top of…

26th July

…it all down as proposed? Pinus insignis Pinus insignis The large fallen limb on the ilex oak above the front door which fell in the rainstorm 10 days ago. ilex…

12th January

…at the top of the lake. Pinus insignis Pinus insignis I hear back from Trengwainton that their earliest ever flowering of Magnolia campbellii (in 25 years with them) was 21st…