30th August

…for it to go having done its job – or all three plants actually. Luma apiculata ‘Glenlean Gold’ Luma apiculata ‘Glenlean Gold’ Luma apiculata ‘Glenlean Gold’ One of Karol’s small…

3rd September

‘Golden Sunshine’ Salix udensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ Salix udensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ 2018 – CHW The first flush of autumn colour on Cladastris kentuckea. Cladastris kentuckea The Beast damaged Rhododendron stenaulum is…

8th June

…to the Chelsea Gold Medal. Justin with the large Gold Medal Outside the Members Tent at Royal Cornwall a perfect Callistemon citrinus ‘Perth Pink’ Callistemon citrinus ‘Perth Pink’ Callistemon citrinus…

31st July

…sun and shade. Gingko biloba ‘Autumn Gold’ Gingko biloba ‘Autumn Gold’ Gingko biloba ‘Autumn Gold’ 2018 – CHW To the enormous Bridgemere Garden Centre near Nantwich at the weekend with…

21st May

…saluenensis So Lizzie and I get to Chelsea and the stand is nearly finished. the stand the stand the stand the stand the stand However the Iris sibirica ‘Fran’s Gold’,…

1st June

coastal and seaside plant. Self seeds in profusion but easily pulled up! Erigeron karvinskianus Erigeron karvinskianus The arum lilies are at their best very early too by the gents’ loo….

31st May

…once grew it in his coastal garden. It is dead there now from the 2012 cold winter I believe. Podocarpus ‘Blue Gem’ Podocarpus ‘Blue Gem’ The last few flowers on…

2nd September

…wonderful coastal plant but the temptation to call it the ‘Common Myrtle’ is overwhelming. The Common Myrtle flowers earlier in the summer and is Myrtus communis. Not such a good…

11th December

…and clump forming shrubs will go behind the Ilex platyphylla hedge. This is a wonderful coastal windbreak which salt laden gales scarcely touch and which we already use to good…

4th January

…Labrador ‘Nutty’ decides his spring mating season has arrived and he disappears down the Coastal Path. Recapture taken 1½ hours and we are both pissed off at our perambulations of…