10th October

…now thought to be the same as Ilex corallina (Rookery – 30 year old plant). No idea what they thought were Ilex cyrtura? However the elderly Ilex kingiana and Ilex…

16th July

…papyrifer ‘Rex’ with no cold damage from last winter. Tetrapanax papyrifer ‘Rex’ Arisaema going to seed? Arisaema Salvia cacaliifolia – introduced 1858. Salvia cacaliifolia Salvia involucrata ‘Mrs Pope’. Salvia involucrata…

14th May

…first time. A peculiar mix but both parents recognisable. A rare and not especially interesting collector’s item. x Sorbopyrus auricularis x Sorbopyrus auricularis First time flowering that I remember of…

9th February

…xylocarpum Melliodendron xylocarpum Illicium philippinense –(CWJ 12466) nearly over beside it. Illicium philippinense –(CWJ 12466) Lindera praecox looking spectacular in the Rookery. A plant we have lost elsewhere. Lindera praecox…

3rd June

…a columnar windbreak. Ilex yunnanensis Pterostyrax psilophyllus var. leveillei nicely out with its odd tri-lobed leaves. Pterostyrax psilophyllus var. leveillei Pterostyrax psilophyllus var. leveillei The blown over and cut back…

8th May

…Old Park A young Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Titan’ with its first two flowers. Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Titan’ Cornus florida ‘Pluribracteata’ is flowering properly for the first time below the drive…

30th March

…is late into flower but not really nameworthy. unnamed hybrid Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ and Magnolia ‘Atlas’ on the drive. Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ Magnolia ‘Caerhays Surprise’ and Magnolia…

10th April

…looking splendid on the Burncoose drive. Rhododendron williamsianum x martinianum Rhododendron williamsianum x martinianum Rhododendron williamsianum x martinianum The climber tunnel pristine and beautifully cared for by Ruta and Arturas….

5th February

Park A bit of tidying, trunk clearance and laurel removal elsewhere along the top path in Old Park. elsewhere along the top path in Old Park A sweet chestnut trunk…

7th February

…out of the ground in early February! Earlier and earlier. Bluebells Old Park in the sun. A few camellias just showing. Old Park Old Park The two sluice gates were…