29th March

…‘Darkest Purple’ x Magnolia campbellii ‘Betty Jessel’ Berberis xanthoclada in full flower. Berberis xanthoclada Magnolia ‘Blushing Belle’ is a US cross between Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ and Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’. The…

7th October

…will never open properly and are near white. Disgusting. Magnolia Caerhays Belle Magnolia Caerhays Belle Magnolia Caerhays Belle Nearby is Magnolia ‘Yakeo’ with a rather decent second flowering which is…

24th May

…for Asia. Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’ – Pink Neolitsea aciculata (TH gift – Taiwanese) with impressive new growth too. Neolitsea aciculata This Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ has twice tried to flower in…

30th April

…new growth too which is more sinensis than wilsonii. Magnolia ‘Jersey Belle’ Magnolia ‘Jersey Belle’ Magnolia ‘Jersey Belle’ What a show on the batch of specimen sized plants of Calycanthus…

17th May

…longer variegated. Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ Rhododendron ‘Crosswater Belle’ starts off yellowish-green and then turns pinkish. Rather tender even in Cornwall. Rhododendron ‘Crosswater Belle’ Rhododendron…

7th March

…of the year.Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ is starting to open by the arch. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Placing out large rhododendrons from Rookery Nursery bed into an area cleared of laurel in…

30th January

Belle’ suddenly full out. Camellia japonica ‘Lulu Belle’ Camellia japonica ‘Lulu Belle’ Camellia japonica ‘Kick Off’ just getting going. Camellia japonica ‘Kick Off’ The variable shaped flowers of Camellia japonica…

8th August

…I fear the buds are far too advanced already for the plant to again be getting its seasons wrong. I wonder why? Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ 2021 –…

1st August

…virginiana ‘Northern Belle’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Northern Belle’ Magnolia laevifolia x maudiae, a 2020 gift from Raf Lenaerts has taken off as well. I need to send Raf these photos. Magnolia…

29th February

…‘Caerhays Belle’ looking wonderful. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Magnolia campbelli ‘Darjeeling’ now full out. This is the smallest of our three plants out today. Magnolia campbelli ‘Darjeeling’ Magnolia…