27th July

Revolution Blue’ a strange and erratic bicolour thing. Hydrangea ‘Magical Revolution Blue’ The best thing in the Burncoose garden today was Hydrangea aspera ‘Villosa Group’ by the lawn. Hydrangea aspera…

12th July

…be well worth Burncoose stocking. Salvia ‘Purple and Bloom’ Salvia ‘Purple and Bloom’ Salvia ‘Big Blue’ not bad either. Salvia ‘Big Blue’ Salvia ‘Big Blue’ 2022 – CHW The hydrangea…

25th June

…for a rather indifferent flower! Hydrangea arborescens ‘Magical Tinkerbell’ Hydrangea arborescens ‘Magical Tinkerbell’ Calothamnus quadrifidus with its odd half bottlebrush flowers emerging from the main stems. Calothamnus quadrifidus Sedum ‘Red…

18th August

…and Lysimachia ‘Alexander’ Hypericum inodorum ‘Magical Beauty’ which I first saw in flower at Bodmin Garden Centre. Impressive seed heads now as well. Hypericum inodorum ‘Magical Beauty’ Hypericum inodorum ‘Magical

6th July

Blue’ is an evergreen sub-shrub unlike the other herbaceous penstemons. Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Heavenly Blue’ Geranium pratense ‘Delft Blue’ Geranium pratense ‘Delft Blue’ Salvia ‘Purple Rain’ was spectacular. Salvia ‘Purple Rain’…

17th August

…Eryngium planum ‘Magical Purple Falls’ Monarda ‘Knight Violet’ and Eryngium planum ‘Magical Purple Falls’ Lobelia siphilitica ‘Blue’and Lobelia ‘Fanship Burgundy’ Lobelia siphilitica ‘Blue’and Lobelia ‘Fanship Burgundy’ Lobelia ‘Fanship Scarlet’ and…

21st July

…‘Benelux’ or ‘Nikko Blue’ I think? Perhaps or perhaps the perfectly acidic soil here? Dad never gave it a name. best blue hydrangea best blue hydrangea Still plenty of flower…

21st April

…which I believe have now been reclassified as rhododendrons. Menziesia ‘Honshu Blue’ Menziesia ‘Honshu Blue’ Menziesia ‘Honshu Blue’ An old Rhododendron campylogynum on its last legs in the Rockery. Rhododendron…

27th June

…weekend: Hydrangea ‘Magical Noblesse’ will show more green markings on the flower when out more. Hydrangea ‘Magical Noblesse’ Hydrangea ‘Blueberry Cheesecake’ (daft name) seems to be a form of Hydrangea…

April 2018 Irish trip (Day 3)

…Blephylocalyx crookshankii Beautiful blue bell shaped flowers but horrid prickles too. Rhapithamnus spinosus. blue bell shaped flowers blue bell shaped flowers blue bell shaped flowers blue bell shaped flowers Pitavia…