25th March

…in the 1970s. Not particularly unique but nice enough. Queen Mother’s magnolia Queen Mother’s magnolia Another towering Magnolia sargentiana var robusta which you get a perfect view of from the…

2nd August

…although the pictures will be poor and fuzzily damp:Kniphofia ‘Ice Queen’ – not sure I have ever seen a pure white ‘red hot poker’ before. Kniphofia ‘Ice Queen’ Kniphofia ‘Ice…

1st April

…subsp. jacquemontii ‘Knightshayes’ Betula pendula subsp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’. Betula pendula subsp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula pendula subsp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis – the best catkins today….

23rd May

…with heat stroke and has to be tended by the Red Cross. Sally Hayward RCMG with posy for the Queen – Photo Courtesy of Sally. Queen’s Visit – Photo Courtesy…

8th February

…the wind already. The flowers do have a little yellow in them as they open. Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue…

13th June

‘White Lights’ is what Hillier’s implies. white deciduous azalea white deciduous azalea Idesia polycarpa is full out and swarming with bees as you can see. Looking at the flowers and…

1st June

…close up. The closest I can get to it in the reference books is ‘Exbury White’ or ‘White Lights’ but both have slightly more yellow in the flower than this…

4th May

…‘Fairy White’. Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ and Magnolia ‘Fairy White’ Magnolia ‘Fairy Blush’ absolutely splendid today in Old Park. Amazing scent and far away its best performance yet. Magnolia ‘Fairy Blush’ Magnolia…

10th March

…x veitchii) – Gresham hybrid Magnolia ‘Manchu Fan’ Magnolia ‘Manchu Fan’ Magnolia ‘Pickards Snow Queen’ (Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Picture’ x unknown) Magnolia ‘Pickards Snow Queen’ Magnolia ‘Pickards Snow Queen’ Magnolia…

18th July

…‘Little Dutch White’ Agapanthus ‘Little Dutch White’ Agapanthus ‘Little Dutch White’ Agapanthus ‘Little Dutch White’ An interesting new low growing Sedum spurium “Dragon’s Blood”. Very good! Sedum spurium “Dragon’s Blood”…