18th November
…Prunus ‘Beni-Yutaka’ has a much more distinctive red in its autumn colours. Prunus ‘Beni-Yutaka’ A very late flowering Hedychium maximum (BSWJ 8261/a). Hedychium maximum Pterocarya fraxinifolia with brilliant yellow colours…
…Prunus ‘Beni-Yutaka’ has a much more distinctive red in its autumn colours. Prunus ‘Beni-Yutaka’ A very late flowering Hedychium maximum (BSWJ 8261/a). Hedychium maximum Pterocarya fraxinifolia with brilliant yellow colours…
…a striking blue. Rhododendron russatum Rhododendron russatum Prunus mume ‘Beni-chidori’ – finally I manage to capture the missing pictures for the website. Prunus mume ‘Beni-chidori’ Prunus mume ‘Beni-chidori’ Prunus mume…
…cherries. When will these become more widely available to the trade? The best we saw were: Prunus matsumae – hayazaki Prunus matsumae – hayazaki Prunus matsumae – hayazaki Prunus matsumae…
…Ice’) – only just out Prunus ‘Horinji’ Prunus ‘Gyoiko’ Prunus ‘Tai-Haku’ – nearly over Prunus ‘Shirotae’ Prunus ‘Matsumae-Beni-Yutaka’ Prunus ‘Hokusai’ Prunus ‘Ichiyo’ (‘Pink Champagne’) Prunus ‘Ukon’ (‘Pink Champagne’) Prunus ‘Ukon’…
…of the few to escape from the deluge. Magnolia ‘Sprite Rite’ Prunus ‘Beni-yutaka’ nearly out. Prunus ‘Beni-yutaka’ A young Magnolia ‘Wim Rutten’ with 4 flowers. Magnolia ‘Wim Rutten’ Magnolia salicifolia…
…an exceptional show. Planted in 2014. Prunus ‘Matsumae-hanaguruma’ Prunus ‘Matsumae-hanaguruma’ Prunus ‘Matsumae-hanaguruma’ Prunus ‘Matsumae-hanaguruma’ Amid a sea of primroses a cock pheasant prepares and preens for a harem of three…
…New Zealand garden beside the show tent we find a fine clump of Hebe rakiensis. Hebe rakiensis Hebe rakiensis Prunus ‘Matsumae Akathu Kinokana’ Prunus ‘Matsumae Akathu Kinokana’ Prunus ‘Matsumae Akathu…
…marker stakes in a staggered line at 7 meter spacings. A list of what is to be planted is attached below: Prunus ‘Matsumae-Beni-Yutaka’ Prunus ‘Ukon’ Prunus ‘Shirotae’ Prunus ‘Tai-Haku’ Prunus…
…pachysanthum just out. Rhododendron pachysanthum Magnolia ‘Crescendo’ – first flowering and very good. Magnolia ‘Crescendo’ Prunus ‘Umineko’ just out. Prunus ‘Umineko’ Prunus matsumae ‘Beni-Yukata’ just starting. Prunus matsumae ‘Beni-Yukata’ Magnolia…
…last autumn is a good show already. These new Matsumae cherries are a must for all serious gardeners! Prunus matsumae-hanagasa (‘Pink Parasol’) Prunus matsumae-hanagasa (‘Pink Parasol’) Prunus matsumae-hanagasa (‘Pink Parasol’)…