7th April

…Kinokana’ (Bamboo) Chusquea couleou nicely pruned to show off its stems properly. Chusquea couleou Chusquea couleou Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’ with flower and emerging golden leaves. Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’…

19th May

…just into leaf. Spectacular foliage! Sorbus hedlundii Picrasma quassiodes is a new rarity leafing up in its second year after planting. Picrasma quassiodes Another clump of Enkianthus cernuus recurvus rather…

3rd August

…we have another species of Carya coming on in Tin Garden. Carya cordiformis 7 (rather than 5) leaflets on each individual leaf. Carya cordiformis A flower on Ilex aff. gagnepainiana…

22nd May

…Ilex x altaclarensis ‘Gold King’ Ilex x altaclarensis ‘Gold King’ Ilex x altaclarensis ‘Gold King’ Ilex ficoidea in bud. Ilex ficoidea The old original Magnolia sieboldii subsp. sinensis. Magnolia sieboldii…

10th September

…to the Burncoose Garden. Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’ Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’ 2017 – CHW Jaimie and his team have been cutting the trash on the islands. They came upon…

8th June

…one in the Rookery. Note the Pterocarya graft shooting at ground level which needs cutting out. Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’ Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’ Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’ Pterocarya rhederiana…

26th April

…coming out. Really green in bud, opening pale yellow and quickly fading to cream. Magnolia ‘Limelight’ Magnolia ‘Limelight’ Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ is exquisite as it comes into leaf. What…

12th July

…‘Glanleam Gold’ Luma apiculata ‘Glanleam Gold’ 2019 – CHW Another photography visit to Busy Bee Garden Centre in the usual oppressive heat. Pretty ghastly but the show goes on and…

12th February

Gold’ – a new one in our catalogue this year. The golden foliage of autumn has faded. Erica x darleyensis ‘Eva Gold’ Erica x darleyensis ‘Eva Gold’ Erica carnea ‘Eva’…

25th May

…season. Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Strawberry Shake’ (I think) although rather past its best. Magnolia ‘Strawberry Shake’ Carpinus rankanensis in full…