13th May

…Astrantia major ‘Ruby Wedding’. Trillium luteum Astrantia major ‘Ruby Wedding’ The novel and unusual Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Greenapples’. [ALONGSIDE] The new to us Centaurea ‘Jordy’. Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Greenapples’ Centaurea ‘Jordy’ Achillea…

26th April

…streams over the Atlantic have less pollution driving them. The breeze has been in the east for the last four weeks. Michelia ‘Fairy Blush’ in the greenhouse frames. Just potted…

20th August

…Trevor! brief respite in the Green Hut brief respite in the Green Hut 2015 – CHW In my absence and lots of rain the seeds on the Lithocarpus pachyphyllus have…

1st April

…in this diary. Rhododendron sutchuanense Azalea ‘Yorozuyo’, one of the Wilson 50, on Rookery Path. Semi evergreen and out early this year. Huge clumps growing in nearly full shade. Branches…

14th August

…globosa Most of the later flowering scented rhododendrons have jettisoned their seed heads in the heat. These were green only a week ago. There will be little later flowering rhododendrons…

12th August

…x intermedia finally killed off in the drought. Eucryphia x intermedia Here an elderly Eucryphia lucida nearly dead from the drought. Another one by the greenhouse is only alive on…

2nd April

…the by the Red Linney. There is a younger upright growing plant above the greenhouses but I have never noticed the flowers. I have seen the seeds which are said…

6th July

…on Brachychiton acerifolius. The evergreen Australian tree seems finally to be getting going. We had another which lived for a few years from 2018 but did nothing and eventually died….

3rd January

…when still green. Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Geisha Girl’ 2020 – CHW Flowers nearly out on Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’. They have rushed on in a week. Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’ I…

RHS Savill Garden Pictures 2018

…very fine Rhododendron ‘Rose Elf’ Rhododendron ‘Rose Elf’ Jaimie now spied a green parrot eating the pollen or nectar in a Camellia x williamsii green parrot Rhododendron oreodoxa var fargesii…