Royal Cornwall Show – 2022

…the show Gladiolus meliusculus Gladiolus meliusculus Lachenalia contaminata – ‘cape cowslip’. Lachenalia contaminata Dietes grandiflora Dietes grandiflora Aeonium ‘Kiwi’ Aeonium ‘Kiwi’ Buddleia ‘Orange Sceptre’ – on Nick Lock’s stand. Buddleia…

20th May

…twig. Sassafras tzumu Magnolia ‘Genie’ still full of flower. Magnolia ‘Genie’ Rhododendron calendulaceum – Sandling Orange-Red Form Rhododendron calendulaceum – Sandling Orange-Red Form Rhododendron wadanum ‘Album’ Rhododendron wadanum ‘Album’ Another…

29th November

…slightly less dark red and slightly more reddish- orange. The leaf and habit is as a tall shrub with slightly pendulous branches and is the same. another fine plant another…

3rd June

…late red with a hint of an orange centre. Azalea ‘Gena May’ Azalea ‘Gena May’ Azalea unknown – a big clump by the Trevanion Holly. Azalea unknown Azalea unknown Azalea…

3rd May

…negeriana – almost orange flowers and superb. Berberis negeriana Berberis negeriana Azalea ‘Crocea Tricolor’ (a Ghent hybrid). Slow growing and small bushes. No idea why these have been allowed to…

25th May

…judging. Syringa vulgaris ‘Sensation’ Syringa vulgaris ‘Sensation’ Azalea ‘Gena Mae’ is a gorgeous orange double flowered variety with a yellow flare. About eight years from planting out. Bought from Glendoick….

5th June

…its gorgeous new growth. Quercus rysophylla ‘Maya’ Quercus rysophylla ‘Maya’ Ptelea baldwinii flowering for the first time. Ptelea baldwinii Pittosporum illicioides angustifolium with tiny orange flowers – another first flowering….

16th December

…Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ nicely fronts the orange-red branches of Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ in Kennel Close. An excellent colour combination! Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ Little leaf drop yet…

1st June

…had a few pinkish flowers in November to December. Berberidopsis beckleri Platycrater arguta in bud. Platycrater arguta Platycrater arguta Podocarpus wangii with its exceptional orange new growth. Podocarpus wangii Podocarpus…

7th October

…covered in berry and a good orange which will probably get redder yet. Cotoneaster schubertii Cotoneaster schubertii Cotoneaster parneyi was also a gift from Fromefield. Oddly coloured berries in a…