18th April

…sericanthus Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ has soon lost its wine tinge and the flowers are out. Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ Magnolia ‘Raven’ was, I thought, much…

4th May

glabra Quercus glabra Quercus glabra A group of three 2017 planted Rhododendron ‘Penjerrick’ just performing for the first time below Slip Rail. Came from Glendoick as grafted plants. Burncoose now…

17th May

…this year. Aesculus glabra Aesculus glabra Aesculus x bushii now full out and nearly over. Aesculus x bushii Populus lasiocarpa ‘Bolonii’ looks a bit different from the usual P. lasiocarpa…

11th May

…I am more than suspicious! Aesculus chinensis Aesculus chinensis Aesculus glabra I think, the red horse chestnut. Aesculus glabra Aesculus glabra Crataegus wattiana is thornless but colourful today. Crataegus wattiana…

11th November

…by Georges Hut. Photinia glabra Photinia glabra Euonymus tingens (as we think) with just three seedpods remaining to collect. Euonymus tingens Hydrangea aspera was a gift from Lord Howick in…

13th July

…see individual flowers lined down the twigs and not in small clusters as here. Asimina triloba Glycyrrhiza glabra would be a good addition to the Burncoose website. Glycyrrhiza glabra Glycyrrhiza…

26th July

…blueish white or grey) grows nearby.) Quercus GLABRA Quercus GLABRA Quercus GLAUCA Quercus GLAUCA Quercus GLAUCA The originas of Quercus acuta are very different. The old plant towards Tin Garden…

29th August

…a seedling from our original plant, has made huge growth in four years and is now producing white berries turning black in huge clusters. Cornus alternifolia Cornus alternifolia Aesculus glabra

6th November

…roedeer Honeybees still hard at work in a hole in a mature sycamore tree in Old Park. They have lived here for decades. Rhus glabra growing above a wall at…

5th April

…Cercis glabra but is obviously an Amelanchier. Perhaps Asia could check where we got if from? Burncoose sells C. glabra but this isn’t it! Amelanchier Clematis armandii ‘Apple Blossom’ on…