12th April

…‘Dobro’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lady Piet’ – another red full double. Camellia reticulata ‘Lady Piet’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lady Piet’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lady Piet’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lady Piet’ Camellia reticulata ‘Nuccios Ruby’…

26th April

…decorum Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron ‘Lady Montagu Group’ (Exbury) is quite nice but not a ‘Mrs Butler’ special. Rhododendron ‘Lady Montagu Group’ Rhododendron ‘Lady Montagu Group’ Rhododendron ‘Lems Cameo’ just coming…

10th April

…White’ ‘Braidwood Brilliant’ TELOPEA ‘Braidwood Brilliant’ TELOPEA ‘Braidwood Brilliant’ speciosissima TELOPEA speciosissima Rhododendron ‘Lady Alice Fitzwilliam’ on the drive. Rhododendron ‘Lady Alice Fitzwilliam’ Rhododendron ‘Lady Alice Fitzwilliam’ Rhododendron ‘Lady Alice…

4th February

…Burnside Two young rhododendrons side by side. One suddenly dying and one (so far) surviving. Two young rhododendrons Two young rhododendrons Another much older drought casualty – sudden and terminal…

18th April

young pot grown rhododendrons young pot grown rhododendrons Some young Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ in the bed have grown well in two years and will be ready to go into the…

10th July

…Taiko’ has this startling blue-white bi-coloured red effect but the mopheads soon burn in the sun. Hydrangea ‘Lady Taiko’ Hydrangea ‘Lady Taiko’ Hydrangea ‘Lady Taiko’ Hydrangea ‘Geoffrey Chadbund’ – purplish…

24th June

…Galium verum or Lady’s Bedstraw Galium verum or Lady’s Bedstraw Lady Cynthia Carew Pole’s day lilies as good as over by the tower. The original names long last but I…

18th May

‘Lady Alice Fitzwilliam’ The Fuchsia exorticatica growing beside the front door Lady Alice is flowering more profusely than I have ever seen it. There were flowers here in February which…

20th February

‘Lady Clare’ Camellia ‘Lady Clare’ Camellia ‘Lady Clare’ Camellia ‘Lady Clare’ There used to be two clumps of these giant snowdrops on the bank. The flymo has got one but…

6th August

…reference books. It will be a nice new entry in the catalogue one day. Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ 2015 – CHW A plant in the…