31st July

…display Amid the mess the only thing which was quite nice was Escallonia ‘Pink Elle’ although similar to Escallonia ‘Peach Blossom’ and Escallonia ‘Apple Blossom’. Escallonia ‘Pink Elle’ Escallonia ‘Pink…

10th February

…hybrid from 1950. I had considered C. ‘Apple Blossom’ or C. x williamsii ‘Burncoose Apple Blossom’ but the latter is a mounded tight bush.] Camellia ‘Christmas Daffodil’ Camellia ‘Christmas Daffodil’…

5th April

…Cercis glabra but is obviously an Amelanchier. Perhaps Asia could check where we got if from? Burncoose sells C. glabra but this isn’t it! Amelanchier Clematis armandii ‘Apple Blossom’ on…

8th July

…developing well. Victoria plums Crab apples formed but far from ripe. crab apple A small red fruited crab apple. crab apple A golden hop dominates an apple tree. golden hop…

12th April

…almost formal, albeit small, double flowers. Camellia ‘Candy Apple’ Camellia ‘Candy Apple’ Camellia ‘Candy Apple’ Rhododendron edgeworthii x leucaspis in a good clump. Some evidence of cold damage to some…

28th September

…be made before the apples properly dropped. Crab apple Crab apple The Cottage in late September. The Cottage Secondary flowers (very poor ones) on Rhododendron ponticum. Nearby we saw Rhododendron…

15th October

…Philadelphus pekinensis were only planted in 2015. Philadelphus pekinensis This Deutzia x rosea ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ has developed slowly after planting in 2020. Deutzia x rosea ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ This…

31st May

…‘Dali’ Deutzia x rosea ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ Deutzia x rosea ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ Deutzia longifolia (White Form) Deutzia longifolia (White Form) This is another Pittosporum adaphniphylloides which was also leafless…

29th September

…Malus ‘Royalty Malus ‘Royalty’ Euonymus hamiltonianus ‘Rising sun’ with a great show on the sales point. Euonymus hamiltonianus ‘Rising sun’ Escallonia ‘Peach Blossom’ still nicely in flower. Escallonia ‘Peach Blossom’…

4th May

…tenderish form. The third has a fine display of bronze new growth today. Betula insignis ‘Fansipanensis’ Betula insignis ‘Fansipanensis’ Deutzia x rosea ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ now full out. Deutzia x…