6th July

…number of Deutzia species). An exciting overall addition to the garden. The one I saw in John Marston’s garden video to get is Philadelphus microphyllus. Cotoneaster ‘Exburiensis’ in full flower….

19th October

…not picked up on before. Akebia trifoliata Abutilon ‘Nabob’ still has some flowers. Abutilon ‘Nabob’ Abutilon ‘John Thompson’ looking good as well with loads of flowers. Abutilon ‘John Thompson’ Oxydendrum…

3rd July

…Euonymus hamiltonianus ‘Coral Charm’ Romneya coulteri and Abutilon ‘John Thompson’ outside the Packing Shed. Romneya coulteri and Abutilon ‘John Thompson’ Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Album’ full out already. Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Album’ Cordyline…

19th November

…the early 1700s, living at Burncoose House, and subsequently at Scorrier House. John Williams senior (1753-1841) and his son, John Williams junior (1777-1849), were largely responsible for creating the superb…

10th January

…First two or three flowers high up on Camellia x williamsii ‘John Pickthorn’. Camellia x williamsii ‘John Pickthorn’ A young Acer heptophlebium has also blown over. Acer heptophlebium A good…

13th July

Next Day >< Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2024 – CHW The large and elderly Rhododendron johnstoneanum cut down in March is not exactly…

31st October

…Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ Pseudopanax laetus with its tiny white flowers not quite yet open. I watched a video today in John Marston’s garden near Barnstaple and this plant was…

7th November

…with joy at being back. Trevor’s kennel was probably not to his liking! Serena called round to pay her respects. Billy grew up with both Serena and John and was…

1st December

…on a stone above it and looks fine. new medlar plaque 2015 – CHW Weather forecast wrong yet again and no rain (like yesterday)! The dying aucuba windbreak above Bond

16th October

…the drive, thanks to Ophelia. Ophelia 2016 – CHW To Bond Street for a quick review of newer plants here and one or two surprises.Eupatorium ligustrinum, the late season flowering…